"He was always, in the darkness of the dungeon, on the lookout for light, the smallest glimmer, the tiniest shimmer." (From The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo)
Fireflies have always been (since I got over my intense 5th grade obsession with Elvis) my very most favorite thing in this world. They are the most magical and beautiful thing I can think of.
Last night some friends and I went for a walk through one of the local parks where I live. Although I used to live in a little town with one stoplight and no houses all around me, I had never seen a sight like this. Fireflies were everywhere. They were swirling around us, lighting up bushes, running into us!
I was in heaven! I felt like Zelda in the fairy pool! (anyone? anyone?)
And I wanted to cry (I know that sounds super cheesy). But I did. The idea that God made something like this (He didn't have to), that He knew how much I loved them, and that He gave me this one night where I was right in the middle of them...really moved me.
I'm starting to realize how everything is not black and white.
In the dungeon, there is light.
In your hurt, there is victory.
In trial, there is refining.
In ashes, there is beauty.
If giving up your life, you find it.
If giving up your life, you find it.
They have to always go side by side.
I'm seeing that through everything He is calling me to die to, to let go of, etc He also accompanies it with firefly nights.
Firefly nights may be those times you really need a reminder that even when He's asking everything of you, He is right there wanting to give you everything, too...
It's crazy but...He wants to. He doesn't feel like He has to.
Luke 12:32 says, "Your Father has been pleased to give you the Kingdom"

So, for reallzzzzzzzzz...go on a midnight walk.
These fireflies are out of control.
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