Tonight, as I'm sitting in my living room with dim Christmas lights, worship, and a warm blanket, I'm realizing...I need this.
I need to be stilled. To be calmed. To have storms raging outside and be pulled into His presence.
It's been too long.
And no matter what is happening outside, nothing else matters.
There's no other place I'd rather be.
How quickly I forget.
Thank you, Jesus.
Tonight, I'm reminded of my First Love. The One who has chased me, who has picked me up, who has molded me and protected me. The One who has looked upon me with passion when I could barely stand up from the ashes. And the One who smiles when I have victory.
A book I used to love, "Hinds Feet on High Places" by Hannah Hurnard comes to mind tonight...
Other desires might clamor strongly and fiercely nearer the surface of her nature, but she knew now that down in the core of her own being she was so shaped that nothing could fit, fill, or satisfy her heart but He Himself. “Nothing else really matters,” she said to herself, “only to love him and to do what he tells me. I don’t know quite why it should be so, but it is. All the time it is suffering to love and sorrow to love, but it is lovely to love him in spite of this, and if I should cease to do so, I should cease to exist...."
He goes before me. He is behind me. He is all around me.
And I so happy to be in the middle of a love story unfolding.
To be in the middle of a battle raging. And be taught to fight by the King Himself.
And to enjoy in the promises He has brought.
And to learn...goodness I pray I would never stop learning.
Thank you, Jesus.
For being what I couldn't.
And for turning ashes into beauty.
Make me like You.
And show me You.
Enjoy your night of wind and rain,
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