Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Planting Together

We planted them together. And watered them. And then tightened the soil around them. It means something, you know, when people plant things together. (from Okay For Now by Gary D. Schmidt)
Timeless truths remind you of the things you take for granted or forget. This summer I am reminded of the ineffable beauty in walking through seasons of life, good times and bad, with the people God has placed around me.
But it means you have to get your hands dirty.
They will need things that may not be convenient to you. Or they will offend you. Or you will need more courage. Or you will be asked things that are hard. But you will also experience the joy in working together and plowing up ground. You will experience the laughter and hope that comes from growth and fruit produced.
This summer, I am greatful that I have women in my life that plant seeds in me. That help me (and remind me!) to water those seeds. That come alongside me and tighten the soil. And it does mean something. It means everything.
I am also greatful for the charge God has placed on me for the lives of the specific women around me. To work with someone in their different seasons and to be invited in to speak into and share their life is a great gift, too.
This summer, I am greatful also for the man God has given me. For my teammate. For the promise I sometimes doubted would come true. Who will never tire or hesitate to get his hands dirty in the soil for me. Who not only waters what God has planted in me but who comes and gives it light and weeds around it (when under the tutelage of many things I get tired). And who reminds me of what it will look like when it breaks through the soil. That it's worth it. And who gives me shade when there's been a lot of sun. He is a great man. And planting with him in his life and mine is an honor.
We are iron sharpening iron to each other.
And we are in a fight together against a very real enemy.
No one ever said planting was easy (That's probably why many people don't).
But let's roll up our sleeves anyway knowing nothing can grow without us being willing to plant together.
Because when others are willing to plant in our garden and we are willing to plant in theirs, it means something.

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