Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Convincing Proofs

And hope is like love...a ridiculous, wonderful, powerful thing. (from The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo)

So, I'm reading in the book of Acts, and right there, first paragraph, it hits me...
"After His suffering, He showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that He was alive"
Let's back track a little bit. This is Jesus, who has just spent an enormous amount of time with these men teaching them, being left alone while they fall asleep, and then dying. This guy just died on a cross and came back from the dead...and here He is, still proving Himself to doubtful dudes. Anyone else find this a little bit too close to home?

I mean, it's everywhere in the Bible. Just look at God in Isaiah 1:18. "Come now, let us reason together. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow". It's like He's saying. "Ok, Israelites.  You're a hot mess. You never listen, you never get it, you are constantly turning away from me...but I'm gonna be patient. I see what you really desire...and that's Me. Even though you act like a two year old." What?! Here is an eternal, powerful, all knowledgeable God...and He is willing to take the time to reason with us. Ha! Isn't this a crazy concept?!

I am constantly needing more reassurance that He is really alive and that He really loves me. And you know the funniest part about all of it? He is constantly showing Himself to me and giving me many convincing proofs. Proof that He IS alive, that He IS for me, that He DOES love me, that nothing has changed since the last time I asked.

Ever find yourself in the middle of so many things years ago your heart secretly whispered it wanted?
You never realize it as its unfolding, just when you're smack dead in the middle of it all.

As I was biking home yesterday, I heard Him whisper to me, "Take a look around your life, Meg"
I just started crying, like a fool, on my bike. (I was so glad I had sunglasses on)
For many reasons that would take too long to explain (and I think Jesus is saying are secrets between us) so many things have come to fruition. Little things, big things, important things, not so important things...they are there. Not because He had to but because for some strange reason, He is in the business of proving Himself even though He doesn't have to. It's like He wanted to say to me...."See Meg, I heard every heart whisper, I was there then and I'm here now"

So, take a look around you.
Are you in a season He spoke of years ago?
Are you doing things you couldn't put into words before?
Is He showing himself and proving He is alive in little ways only you could know?


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